School Opening

Thank you to all who have supported this dream to build an amazing school in Chalatenango, El Salvador. We were able to open our doors to three classes of Kindergarten and 1st graders on January 31st.

Monseñor Oswaldo Escobar celebrated the Inauguration Mass with local officials and families joining the festivities to cut the ribbon to open the school. Two weeks prior, we received final approval from the Salvadoran government and jumped into a mad dash to launch the school. We are deeply grateful for our amazing team in El Salvador leading this work.

On Monday the 31st, the students showed up full of excitement and joy for their first day of school. The students have jumped into full swing of things learning on their iPads, building community, and taking their English classes. They love the location of the school, hosted temporarily at a converted retreat center, and most of all love the playground!


Journey to Grande Center