Catalyzing the Future Leaders of Tomorrow

Rutilio Grande School

Our school opened its doors to kindergarten and 1st grade students in January of 2022. We have already grown to serve 92 students in 4 grade levels in our 3rd year serving 1st through 4th grade.

The school will eventually educate 800 K-12 students focused on faith and social justice building skills for the 21st century with bilingual instruction and technology training.  Students will utilize blended learning programs to accelerate core skills while learning marketable technology skills including coding, video conferencing, data analysis, and Google Suite.  Instruction will be based on values-based principles connecting students’ learning to the larger context of real world application promoting faith and justice.

Grande School accelerates learning by utilizing blended learning programs in the core skills of reading and mathematics. Grande School includes a comprehensive English program and 40% of daily instruction is in English which is part of the longer-term strategy to prepare Grande’s students to be competitive in an international job market where graduates can work in remote jobs in the technology sector.

Our school give personalized learning with high standards to maximize students’ potential. Transportation is provided for free to give access to under-resourced families and serve former refugee communities from the Salvadoran Civil War.

Bilingual, technology, and values based instruction

School Campus

Grande Center is thrilled to announce the commencement of the construction of its permanent site due to the generosity of Jose Elías Romero. Please watch this video to learn more: